
Matter Of Size

September 19, 2009

scaleWell this is a quite standard set of images used to give an idea of sizes in the world of planets and stars. The set is usually accompanied by remarks that could have been borrowed from a conversation referring to cars horsepower or worse to dicks (kind of “you think that’s big – wait to see THIS ONE”). In another school of thought this set of images is used to convey the grandeur of God or whatever taste of Super Entity resides in the head of the writer

Anyway. Things up there vary in size. I think everyone would agree on that. I’ll leave it there and add only a tiny personal remark. Things up there are damned beautiful.


In The Woods

September 19, 2009


Just returned from a walk in the woods. What can I say? For an hour I only saw two bikers and my spouse and I heard nothing but the birds. Uplifting experience.

Even saw a thought hanging from a tree. So tempting that I cut it and brought it home. It goes like this

We like nature for two reasons.

One is that it is our natural environment. Our womb. Humans have been living in human-made cities for very little time in our evolutionary history. Practically we’ll need loads of generations before we can consider the cities as a “natural” environment.

Second reason is that nature doesn’t ask us. Woods are grown by themselves lacking major interventions from human hands. And for once it’s good to know that what you’re looking at is no one’s thought, no one’s plan. It just is.

kentriki's lovely woods


Short Films – The Black Hole

September 18, 2009

Makes you wonder. Which was first? Greed or stupidity?